Proseminar SoSe 2001: Ethischer Relativismus

Handout 13:
Literatur zu Gilbert Harmans Relativismus

Harman, Gilbert (1975): Moral Relativism Defended, Philosophical Review 84, S. 3-22. Wiederabgedruckt in Harman, Explaining Value and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy, Oxford 2000, S. 3-19.

Harman, Gilbert (1977): The Nature of Morality. An Introduction to Ethics, New York. - Das Wesen der Moral. Eine Einführung in die Ethik, Frankfurt a. M. 1981, Kap. 8 und 9.

Harman, Gilbert (1978): Relativistic Ethics: Morality as Politics, Midwest Studies in Philosophy Vol. 3: Studies in Ethical Theory, hrsg. von Peter French, Theodore E. Uehling und Howard Wettstein, Morris, S. 109-21. Wiederabgedruckt in Harman, Explaining Value and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy, Oxford 2000, S. 39-57.

Harman, Gilbert (1978): What is Moral Relativism?, in Values and Morals, hrsg. von Alvin I. Goldman und Jaegwon Kim, Dordrecht, S. 143-61. Wiederabgedruckt in Harman, Explaining Value and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy, Oxford 2000, S. 20-38.

Harman, Gilbert (1985): Is There a Single True Morality?, in Morality, Reason and Truth. New Essays on the Foundations of Ethics, hrsg. von David Copp und David Zimmermann, Totowa, N. J., S. 27-48. Wiederabgedruckt in Harman, Explaining Value and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy, Oxford 2000, S. 77-99.

Harman, Gilbert/Thomson, Judith Jarvis (1996): Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, Oxford.

Arrington, Robert L. (1989): Rationalism, Realism, and Relativism. Perspectives in Contemporary Moral Epistemology, Ithaca, S. 202-20.

Attfield, Robin (1979): How Not To Be a Moral Relativist, Monist 62, S. 510-21.

Attfield, Robin (1995): Value, Obligation, and Meta-Ethics, Amsterdam, S. 217-20 ("Gilbert Harman and Inner Judgments").

Copp, David (1982): Harman on Internalism, Relativism, and Logical Form, Ethics 92, S. 227-42.

Coburn, Robert C. (1976): Relativism and the Basis of Morality, Philosophical Review 85, S. 87-93.

Darwall, Stephen (1977): Harman and Moral Relativism, Personalist 58, S. 199-207.

Ficarrotta, J. Carl (1998): Moral Relativism, in Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, hrsg. von Ruth Chadwick, San Diego, Vol. 3, S. 275-88: S. 286, 287f.

Gilbert, Margaret (1999): Critical Study of Harman and Thomson's Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, Nous 33, S. 295-303.

Harris, Jr., C. E. (1992): Applying Moral Theories, 2. Aufl., Belmont, Cal., S. 27-33.

Jensen, Henning (1976): Gilbert Harman's Defense of Moral Relativism, Philosophical Studies 30, S. 401-7.

Langenfus, William L. (1988/89): A Problem for Harman's Moral Relativism, Philosophy Research Archives 14, S. 121-36.

Lomasky, Loren (1979): Harman's Moral Relativism, Journal of Libertarian Studies 3, S. 279-91.

Lurie, Yuval/Zaitchik, Alan (1981): Inner Moral Judgments, Southern Journal of Philosophy 19, S. 61-72.

Moody-Adams, Michele M. (1997): Fieldwork in Familiar Places. Morality, Culture, and Philosophy, Cambridge, Mass., S. 18-21.

Morelli, Mario/Stiffler, Eric (1982): Inner Judgments and Blame, Southern Journal of Philosophy 20, S. 393-400.

Pojman, Louis P. (1990): Gilbert Harman's Internalist Moral Relativism, Modern Schoolman 68, S. 19-39.

Rippe, Klaus Peter (1993): Ethischer Relativismus. Seine Grenzen, seine Geltung, Paderborn, S. 244-55 ("Gilbert Harmans konventionalistische Deutung der Moral").

Russell, Bruce (1984): Moral Relativism and Moral Realism, Monist 67, S. 435-51.

Sher, George (1980): Moral Relativism Defended?, Mind 89, S. 589-94.

Steinbock, Bonnie (1981): Moral Reasons and Relativism, Journal of Value Inquiry 15, S. 157-68.

Stewart, Robert M./Thomas, Lynn L. (1991): Recent Work on Ethical Relativism, American Philosophical Quarterly 28, S. 85-100: S. 91-93.

Tilley, John J. (1988): Inner Judgements and Moral Relativism, Philosophia 18, S. 171-90.

Wiles, A. M. (1989): Harman and Others on Moral Relativism, Review of Metaphysics 42, S. 783-95.

Wong, David B. (1984): Moral Relativity, Berkeley, S. 23-25.

Book Symposion on Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity by G. Harman and J. J. Thomson,
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (1998), S. 161-222:

Harman, Gilbert: Précis of Part One of Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, S. 161-69.
Thomson, Judith Jarvis: Précis of Part Two of Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, S. 171-73.
Railton, Peter: Moral Explanation and Moral Objectivity, S. 175-182.
Darwall, Stephen: Expressivist Relativism?, S. 183-88.
Stroud, Sarah: Moral Relativism and Quasi-Absolutism, S. 189-94.
Blackburn, Simon: Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, S. 195-98.
Sturgeon, Nicholas L.: Thomson Against Moral Explanations, S. 199-206.
Harman, Gilbert: Responses to Critics, S. 207-213.
Thomson, Judith Jarvis: Reply to Critics, S. 215-22.

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