Proseminar SoSe 2001: Ethischer Relativismus

Handout 4:
Einführende Literatur zum ethischen Relativismus


Barcalow, Emmett (1998): Moral Philosophy. Theories and Issues, Belmont, CA, 2. Auflage, S. 48-59 ("Moral Relativism").

Beauchamp, Tom L. (1991): Philosophical Ethics. An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Second Edition, New York, S. 39-68.

Benn, Piers (1998): Ethics, Montreal, S. 1-29 ("Authority and Relativism").

Blackburn, Simon (2000): Relativism, in The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory, hrsg. von Hugh LaFollette, Oxford, S. 38-53.

Bond, E. J. (1996): Ethics and Human Well-being. An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Oxford, S. 21-62.

Bowie, Norman E. (1997): Relativism, Cultural and Moral, in The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics, hrsg. von Patricia H. Werhane und R. Edward Freeman, Oxford, S. 551-55.

Brandt, Richard B. (1959): Ethical Theory. The Problems of Normative and Critical Ethics, Engle­wood Cliffs, N. J., S. 83-113 ("Ethical Systems in Different Cultures and their Development"), 271-94 ("Ethical Relativism").

Brandt, Richard B. (1961): Drei Formen des Relativismus, in Texte zur Ethik, hrsg. von Dieter Birnbacher und Norbert Hoerster, München 1976, S. 42-51.

Brandt, Richard B. (1967): Ethical Relativism, in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, hrsg. von Paul Edwards, New York, Vol. 3, S. 75-78.

Cook, John W. (1999): Morality and Cultural Differences, Oxford.

Darwall, Stephen (1998): Philosophical Ethics, Boulder, S. 63-70 ("The Error Theory and Ethical Relativism").

Ficarrotta, J. Carl (1998): Moral Relativism, in Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, hrsg. von Ruth Chadwick, San Diego, Vol. 3, S. 275-88.

Feldman, Fred (1978): Introductory Ethics, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., S. 160-72 ("Relativism")

Garner, Richard T. (1994): Beyond Morality, Philadelphia, S. 22-28 ("Relativism").

Garner, Richard T./Rosen, Bernard (1967): Moral Philosophy. A Systematic Introduction to Normative Ethics and Meta-Ethics, New York, S. 167-82 ("Relativism").

Gensler, Harry J. (1998): Ethics. A Contemporary Introduction, London, S. 10-20 ("Cultural Relativism").

Harré, Rom/Krausz, Michael (1996): Varieties of Relativism, Oxford, S. 149-88 ("Moral Relativism").

Harris, Jr., C. E. (1992): Applying Moral Theories, 2. Aufl., Belmont, Cal., S. 17-33 ("Are Morals Relative?").

Hinman, Lawrence M. (1998): Ethics. A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory, Second Edition, Fort Worth, S. 36-59.

Holmes, Robert L. (1998): Basic Moral Philosophy, Belmont, CA, 2. Auflage, S. 162-82 ("Ethical Relativism").

Lyons, David (1984): Ethics and the Rule of Law, Cambridge, S. 15-25 ("Social Relativism").

Midgley, Mary (1991): Can’t We Make Moral Judgements?, Bristol, S. 71-80 ("Rethinking Relativism").

Pieper, Annemarie (1991): Einführung in die Ethik, Tübingen, S. 49-57 ("Der Vorwurf des Relativismus").

Pojman, Louis P. (1990): Ethics. Discovering Right and Wrong, Belmont, Cal., S. 18-39 ("Ethical Relativism: Who’s to Judge What’s Right and Wrong?").

Rachels, James (1993): The Elements of Moral Philosophy, New York, 2. Aufl., S. 15-29 ("The Challenge of Cultural Relativism").

Rosen, Bernard (1993): Ethical Theory. Strategies and Concepts, Mountain View, Cal., S. 158-67 ("Ethical and Cultural Relativism").

Schmitt, Frederick F. (1995): Truth: A Primer, Boulder, S. 53-59 ("Moral Relativism").

Snare, Francis (1992): The Nature of Moral Thinking, London, S. 110-19 ("Descriptive Relativism and Meta-ethical Subjectivism"), 140-51 ("Descriptive Relativism and Varieties of Normative Relativism").

Stewart, Robert M./Thomas, Lynn L. (1991): Recent Work on Ethical Relativism, American Philosophical Quarterly 28, S. 85-100.

Taylor, Paul W. (1975): Principles of Ethics. An Introduction, Belmont, Cal., S. 13-30 ("Ethical Relativism").

Taylor, Paul W. (Hrsg.) (1967): Problems of Moral Philosophy. An Introduction to Ethics, Belmont, Cal., S. 41-51 (Introduction to Chap. 2: Ethical Relativism).

Williams, Bernard (1972): Morality. An Introduction to Ethics, Cambridge 1993, S. 20-25 ("Interlude: Relativism"). - Der Begriff der Moral. Eine Einführung in die Ethik, Stuttgart 1978, S. 28-33 ("Der Relativismus: Ein Exkurs").

Williams, Bernard (1995): Ethics, in Philosophy. A Guide through the Subject, hrsg. von A. C. Grayling, Oxford, S. 545-82: S. 565-68.

Wolf, Jean-Claude (1998): Verschiedene Typen von Relativismus, in Jean-Claude Wolf und Peter Schaber, Analytische Moralphilosophie, Freiburg, S. 20-38.

Wong, David B. (1991): Relativism, in A Companion to Ethics, hrsg. von Peter Singer, Oxford, S. 442-50.

Wong, David B. (1992): Moral Relativism, in Encyclopedia of Ethics, hrsg. von Lawrence C. Becker und Charlotte B. Becker, New York, London, Vol. II, S. 856-59.

Wong, David B. (1998): Moral Relativism, in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, hrsg. von Edward Craig, Vol. 6, London, S. 539-42.

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